Optima Sliding uPVC Windows

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows are designed to balance feature , design possibility and to accommodate upto medium size windows. It is designed for many properties , due to space constraint , offers medium size windows. It offers advantages of design simplicity in choice and handling.

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows Overview

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows are designed to balance feature , design possibility and to accommodate upto medium size windows. It is designed for many properties , due to space constraint , offers medium size windows. It offers advantages of design simplicity in choice and handling. It counters the trend of conventional aluminium windows toilet specifiers like architects to design small windows , when actual need is of medium size windows .

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows can be applied medium sized bed rooms, guest rooms, servant rooms, halls, walkways, staircases etc,where opening space is a constraint both insider and outside. Uniform aesthetics across prominance system allows integration of invent and optima system with ease.

Optima sliders functionally comply to wind load requirements desired for medium size windows.A window of 1500 x 1500 can stand wind load of 1500 Pascal for deflection limit of Height/175 (Defined as per various Indian and international standard.) with its normal reinforcements. The strength further can be boosted by using the wind load resistance booster profiles.


  • Design meant for small to medium sized windows.
  • Used in small properties where opening space is a constraint both inside and outside.
  • Can be used in medium sized bedrooms, guest rooms, hall, walkways, staircases, etc
  • It counters the trend of conventional aluminium windows & toilet specifiers where architects design small sized windows to medium sized ones.
  • A window of 1500 x 1500 can stand wind load of 1500 Pascal for deflection limit of Height/175 (Defined as per various Indian and international standard.) with its normal reinforcements.
  • The strength further can be boosted by using the wind load resistance booster profiles.


  • These are designed to balance feature & simplicity.
  • Uniform aesthetics across Prominance systems allows integration of inventa and optima system with ease.

Window Size90045015001500
Sash size4504507501500

All dimensions are in mm

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows Designs

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows Profile Drawings

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows Section Details

Optima Sliding uPVC Windows Possibilities

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